
Die intelligente Raumnutzung und vielfältigen Personalisierungsmöglichkeit sorgen dafür, dass Sie sich rundum wohlfühlen.


Die Verwendung hochwertiger Rohstoffe und ein sorgfältiger und innovativer Konstruktionsprozess garantieren maximale Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit.


Italmar boats feature an understated style and a modern design that strikes a balance between aesthetics and functionality.


The intelligent use of space and the wide range of customisation options will put you completely at ease.


The use of quality raw materials and a careful and innovative construction process ensure maximum safety and reliability.


Our aim has always been to produce solid and reliable boats by favouring soft lines and simplicity. We take care of the details to create boats that are not only aesthetically beautiful but also welcoming, with spaces carefully organised to offer maximum comfort on board.

Production system

We produce safe boats using a hull construction system
that makes them unsinkable: the hull is divided into three watertight sections that keep the vessel afloat even when it takes on water. As well as ensuring durability, ITALMAR boats are easy to maintain and retain their original performance unchanged over time.


The Dolce family’s passion for boating is the foundation of the company which,
thanks to the perseverance, tenacity and skill of those who work there, has become well-established on the pleasure craft market.


Il nostro progetto è sempre stato quello di produrre imbarcazioni solide e affidabili, prediligendo linee morbide ed essenzialità. Curiamo i dettagli per realizzare barche non soltanto belle esteticamente ma anche accoglienti, dove gli spazi sono organizzati scrupolosamente per offrire il massimo comfort a bordo.

Sistema produttivo

Produciamo imbarcazioni sicure sfruttando un sistema costruttivo dello scafo che le rende inaffondabili: lo scafo è diviso in tre sezioni stagne che permettono anche in caso di imbarco d’acqua di mantenersi a galla. Le imbarcazioni ITALMAR, oltre a garantire durabilità sono di facile manutenzione, ciò consente di mantenere le performance originali invariate nel tempo.